Free, Ad-Supported Television Is Catching On FAST: Boosters Hail It As Second Coming Of Cable, But Just How Big Is Its Upside?
Il Gruppo Mondadori acquisisce Webboh e rafforza l’offerta rivolta alla “Gen Z”
Giappone, così i webtoon sfidano il dominio dei manga
Around half of leading publishers in over 40 countries now regularly use Tiktok, report finds
Twitch, arriva lo “Shield Mode” per difendersi dagli attacchi coordinati
PlayStation brings its eSports tournaments to PS5 with easy to join events
Esports, l’Italia sale sul podio europeo dell’audience
YouTube launches its first-ever official trends podcast, ‘Like & Describe,’ with content creator MatPat
Aurora set for an in-game concert in Sky: Children of the Light
Il confine tra podcast e serie tv sta diventando sempre più labile