Apple vs. Everyone: Why Rivals Are Sharpening Knives
Musixmatch launches a podcast platform for transcription driven by AI and community
As NBA Eyes Streaming Future, WBD Could Bounce Some Games To HBO Max/Discovery+ In “Creative” Deal
WeShort chiude un round da 1 milione di euro
Smart Tv, l’inflazione spinge il “free to stream”: Europa a +5%
Un giudice statunitense ha bloccato l’acquisizione del gruppo editoriale Simon & Schuster da parte di Penguin Random House
Demand for e-books and audiobooks remains strong in the Arab world
Il fenomeno delle librerie di fumetti (e il successo di manga e graphic novel)
Playing its part – why and how video games have become a crucial communication channel for policy makers
Spotify accuses Apple of impeding its fledgling audiobook business