Leroy Merlin amplia il perimetro dei servizi ai clienti
Conforama spinge sulla prossimità con ConfoCity
Ikea seeks more seamless, personalised, inspiring shopping journey with mobile app enhancements
Wayfair presenta il nuovo strumento basato sull’IA “Muse” per ispirare e personalizzare l’esperienza di acquisto a domicilio
Increased choice and convenience for Londoners as B&Q expands on-demand delivery trial with Deliveroo
Joybird enhances free design tools with 3D Cloud powered Space Planner mobile experience
French furniture brand Ligne Roset adds digital product passport to classic sofa
London calling as Reckon.ai preps launch of first autonomous microstore with Ikea
Ikea owner invests €1bn to increase recycled material use
Lowe’s to rebrand, add features to its Digital Home Platform