Fair and Impartial: Here’s How Digital Books Benefits Children
Pirateria online: il 26% dei giovani italiani accede a contenuti illegali
My Local: The Lincolnite’s radical proposal to bring control of local audiences back to local news
The New York Times’ push into games meant a major change for its crosswords app
US ebook sales declined by 6.5% in 2022
Libri protetti da copyright usati per alimentare l’intelligenza artificiale: in arrivo una causa per ChatGPT?
Peak paywall? What Time’s move to free online model means for news industry
New ChatGPT-based e-Book Generator tool from Ink AI can create full-length e-books easily
Cresce il fumetto in libreria: lettori onnivori e sempre più giovani
Vice Media: From Murdoch money to bankruptcy in a decade