Cina: giro d’affari da 12 miliardi di euro nel 2023. E i libri si vendono su TikTok
New York Times fa causa a OpenAI e Microsoft su uso copyright
How publishers are using AI chatbots to boost engagement
La ricerca sul settore del Fumetto in Italia finanziata dal Ministero della Cultura
Hearst Looks to Lead Media-Driven eCommerce with New Digital Marketplace
ALA Survey: People Under 40 Prefer Print Books; Visit Libraries for Browsing, Programs, and Socializing
Il futuro del fumetto è «web to print»?
Google agrees $100m deal with Canadian publishers ahead of Online News Act
Apple introduces new ‘Year in Review’ feature, reveals the most read books of 2023
GB News launches paid membership scheme with events, paywalled video and crosswords