Fattura elettronica alla prova Vida e Mercato unico: cosa devono aspettarsi le aziende
Electronic invoicing: the DGFIP updates its information sheets!
2025 SME Special Scheme introduces pan-EU €100,000 registration threshold to reduce foreign VAT compliance burden
VAT in the Digital Age agreed at ECOFIN 5th November; further delays to Single VAT Registration & Platform Economy pillars
German B2B e-invoicing 2025-28 latest BMF guidance
Peppol’s ViDA Pilot: Supporting ViDA via 5-corner e-invoicing Peppol Network
AgID ha ospitato i lavori dei comitati CEN per la definizione degli standard tecnici europei su fatturazione elettronica ed e-procurement
Fattura elettronica, in Europa sprint alle transazioni B2B
Polish E-Invoicing Realities: From Delays To Dilemmas
E-invoicing between companies compulsory from 2026