Meta, l’Ue respinge le accuse di censura. E avverte: lo stop al fact-checking “sia efficace” contro la disinformazione
Accordo Gedi-OpenAI, altolà del Garante sulla vendita dei dati personali
As AI-fueled disinformation explodes, here comes the startup counterattack
Google Discover has become Reach’s ‘biggest referrer of traffic’
OpenAI defeats news outlets’ copyright lawsuit over AI training, for now
Telegraph is launching an AI-driven newsroom tool every month
The Sun launches registration wall for premium content
Rcs e OpenAi, primo storico accordo sull’Intelligenza artificiale: si parte con l’assistente virtuale sulla app «l’Economia»
Whatsapp Channels one year on: Top news publishers ranked
Where we get our news in 2024: Social media has become the new global newsstand