Amazon goes live with electric cargo bike online deliveries to Belfast, Northern Ireland customers
Forever 21 onboard as Shein becomes one of the first brands to adopt Happy Returns cross-brand BORIS solution Teams Up with Brands to Launch “Trade-in Alliance for Household Appliances and Home Goods”
Getir withdrawing from UK and US markets
Amazon Rolls Out Grocery Delivery Subscription Nationwide
Estée Lauder e Microsoft creano l’AI Innovation Lab
Misfits Market Teams With Gopuff as Shoppers Demand Instant eGrocery
Longino & Cardenal – Costituita Longino Digital Factory per la digitalizzazione delle aziende del Food&Beverage
Amazon “rafforza” la tutela del made in Italy e rilancia sull’export digitale
Caffè Borbone e Too Good To Go insieme per limitare lo spreco di caffè