Spotify punta su Sanremo con una nuova campagna multimediale dedicata e l’hub musicale
Meta e Spotify si adeguano al Digital Markets Act: ecco cosa cambia per gli utenti
AI-made music can now be easily uploaded to Soundcloud, thanks to a trio of new deals
European Parliament backs music streaming royalty changes
152 million tracks had 1,000 plays or fewer on music streaming services last year. 45 million had no plays at all
L’AI aiuterà i musicisti? Sì ma attenti al “lato oscuro”
Doja Cat to launch ‘The Scarlet Tour’ VR experience with Meta
Universal launches Beat Galaxy music hub on Roblox, featuring ‘one of the largest song catalogs of any experience’ on the gaming platform
Il primo demo in studio di Michael Jackson sarà pubblicato su blockchain