Gateshead Health NHS launches patient engagement platform
University of Edinburgh joins global research effort to enhance dementia care through data and digital
Tutto a 5 £: Asos lancia il portale (temporary) Sample Sale
The King unveils the Astra Carta seal at a Space Sustainability Reception at Buckingham Palace
Parkinson, la diagnosi precoce è possibile con i dati su sonno e movimento raccolti dallo smartwatch
Previously free, some UK museums are starting to charge as cost of living crisis bites
NHS digital health check-ups launched ‘to ease pressure on GPs’
BIS, Bank of England complete CBDC trial using blockchain
Semplificare l’adozione dell’hosting cloud – Justice Digital
A scuola nel Metaverso: scienze, storia e geografia si studiano “dal vivo” nella realtà virtuale