Uber Eats now uses Waymo’s self-driving cars to offer driverless deliveries
Best Buy Adds Generative AI to its Customer Service Toolkit
Ebay Debuts AI-Powered Fashion Curation Tool
SEC signals to Uniswap that enforcement actions are looming
Negli Stati Uniti Amazon toglierà dai suoi negozi fisici la tecnologia con cui si poteva pagare senza usare le casse
Il disegno di legge del Senato mira a ridurre la burocrazia negli appalti
Google Personalizes Shopping Experience Using Customer’s Ratings and Brand Preferences
Walmart.com Adds Homeowner Services to Take On Amazon
Amazon Pharmacy begins same-day delivery in New York and Los Angeles
DoorDash and Wing kick off drone delivery pilot in US with Wendy’s onboard as first restaurant partner